Lots of New Additions

Hello All!

I was reminded that this blog existed and not been updated. I am currently teaching Special Education at Hillcrest STEAM Academy in Belton, MO. Even though I enjoyed with the students from the ED class that I wrote about last time, I knew it was not a position that I would want to stay long term. The ED class while incredibly rewarding, but was also incredibly exhausting. Last year’s school year ended with us working from home, and never returned to class. It was definitely an interesting first year of teaching. Before the shut down happened, I had applied for the Resource Teacher position at Hillcrest STEAM Academy. A Kindergarten through 6th grade elementary school in Belton, and just a few minutes from where I was currently teaching. I was given the position and have loved it. From August to January I taught only the virtual students. However, in January we had a high number of students coming back for in person learning, so they had to shift some numbers around. So now I teach virtual and some in person students. The school I work for is a great school, with an amazing staff. Being a resource teacher, I work with students in 30-60 minute blocks on IEP goals for reading, writing, math, and behavioral. I work with one group of students for 30 minutes, then another group of students for 30 minutes. Since I am constantly shifting between various grades ( I work with 2nd-6th), my day goes by very quickly. It keeps things fast paced and varying since I have to work with a wide set of ages and skill sets.

David is still working for FC Stone ( now called Stone X). He has been working from home for over a year now. It has been a good thing because he can watch little David if need be. David has been working on various projects around the property such as creating our garden, starting construction on the new wood shed, and building various wood working projects such as a new crib for Baby Darian Rhys!

Darian Rhys was born Tuesday, March 16th @ 12:50 pm. He was 9 pounds 4 ounces, and 21 inches long.

Little David loves being a big brother, and adores his little brother.

Here are some photos of the garden getting started.


So I just realized I have not updated the family blog. Here is what has happened this last year. After working a year as a para, I got my certification from being a SpEd Teacher. I have been working as a ED (Emotional Disorders) teacher in Belton, MO. David is still working at INTL FCStone. Davey is growing and will be 4 in May. We moved from Blue Springs to Oak Grove for multiple reasons. We wanted a bigger house we could grow into, as well as a workshop for David for his many projects he likes to take on. David has his whole space to work on his woodcrafting, and I have a garage to park my Jeep. This week is Spring Break, so we are going to use the time to rest and get stuff done around thew house. Since we moved in June, I have barely touched my leather crafting or my writing. So it’ll be nice to have some quiet time. Enjoy your time inside!

For Everything There Is A Season…

This is a line from Ecclesiastes 3:1-15. We’ve done small updates on social media but realized we haven’t updated for almost 2 years on here. Wow time flies by when you’re having fun. The last time I updated on here was Davey’s first Christmas. What has happened in a year? Well in August of last year, I officially became assistant manager of Scooter’s coffee on N. 7th Hwy in Blue Springs. In December of last year I was in our church’s production “Snowville’s Christmas Extravaganza.” (Which they will be putting on again this year and I fully intend to participate again.) Starting in January, I became a sub for the Blue Springs School district.  Here is the story of how all that happened and I truly believe it was God’s timing.

A very interesting this happened last year. God moved in a way I never thought would ever happen agin. About November I was rolling along in my job at Scooter’s. Overall things were going pretty smooth. Life was changing in ways I wasn’t expecting and I just wasn’t sure if my career goals at Scooter’s was what was best for myself and my family anymore. I told myself it was just a rough period and things would get better in a few months. However, an opportunity arose out of the blue that can only be explained as God in my opinion. I was working window and a lady who was becoming a frequent customer told me she was a teacher after I inquired where she was headed off to for the morning. I asked what grade and what school. She taught at James Lewis, just down the road and a 5th grade teacher. I responded with, “I student taught 5th grade and loved it.” She looked shocked for a second then asked, “And you don’t currently have a job?” I told her, “No. I looked around after graduating but didn’t have any luck.” She told me she would have to get back to me later in the school year and would like to talk to me about that. I gave her my contact information. I smiled, thinking “That’s nice.” but honestly didn’t hold my breath or think anything would ever come out of it.

Almost a month passed and I hadn’t heard anything from her or had a chance to talk to her when she had comer through for coffee. She e-mailed me, and told me the school district was doing teacher screenings, and her principal would be one of the ones doing them. She let me know if I got my application in that day, they could probably get me in that week. This was on a Monday. I got an e-mail the next day I had my interview on Thursday. That worked out because I was off on Thursdays. I went to the interview on Thursday and was very surprised to find out a man from my church was also one of the four principals sitting in on the interviews. Because of that fact, I felt a little more relaxed then I would have felt other wise and was able to talk to him about the upcoming church Christmas musical. It helped brake the ice and helped me to calm a little bit of nerves being able to talk about something else before the interview started. During the interview I asked , “How do I get back into the district after bering gone for almost 3 years?” They told me to be a substitute teacher. I took that to heart and got all my substitute things back in order. My very first sub in January was at James Lewis Elementary, (yes, the same school as the teacher who helped out is from) as a paraprofessional in the special education room. I told them if they needed me to let me know and game them my phone number. After that first day I got called back multiple times over. At the end of the year I was told there would be paraprofessional openings the next school year, and if I did not get a teaching position to let them know.

I taught summer school at James Walker elementary for Kindergarten. It was Kindergarten going into 1st grade. So all my students had already 1 year of school and knew the expectations. The month of June flew by as I tackled those 17 days of diving into my first true experience as a classroom teacher. I didn’t have a ton to do since it was summer school but it was a great refresher course. I came home tired and feeling more at ease then I had in a long time. I made some good contacts and got some much needed experience. The end of the summer came around and no teaching positions arose, so now I am officially working as a paraprofessional at James Lewis. It’s where I truly feel I need to be right now. Like that space was waiting for me.

Davey is at a wonderful sitters, so that is a blessing, and David’s job at FC Stone is going great. We were able to go Omaha before the summer ended. I keep meaning to throw these on Facebook and keep forgetting so here are some.



It was great trip as you can see from the few photos right here. We were there all day and poor little Davey was worn out by the end of the day.

Merry Christmas From The Family

It’s so very hard to believe the year is over. Little David is now 7&1/2 months old. He has changed and grown so much in the last few months. He sleeps through the night, eats lots, naps a couple times a day and is just the easiest little guy to take of. He’s about 25 lbs and 31 inches long. Did not expect to be having to replace his infant car seat before he was 10 months old. This year we are spending Christmas with David’s family in Branson. Sadly we lost his grandfather back in October. So it’s very bitter sweet for us. We did get the opportunity to bring lil Davey several time to Branson to spend the weekend before Grandpa Rose passed. We are so glad we took that time to come down when we did. Grandpa Rose’s favorite Branson show was the Presley’s and we took little Davey with us to see the show this summer. He slept the entire show, but we did get his picture there.

Little David is sitting up on his own, eating a wide assortment of fruits and veggies, and is very close to crawling. The other morning he woke up saying “Ba ba ba ba.” over and over again. I told him, “I get it, you’re ready to eat.” He makes so many different sounds and facial expressions. I swear he grows an inch a night. He definitely keeps the two of us busy. David’s job at FCStone is going great and my manager in training classes with Scooter’s are progressing along. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Take care and God Bless.

Megan, David and little Davey.

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One Year and a Miracle Later

Hello All,

Been a long time since I’ve written on here. Last year things happened we never imagined ever would. I see the clay hand and feet molds on our piano and I wonder how big those hands and feet would be. (Not going to lie and tell you I can’t write that with out crying.) A little over a year ago on a sunny Thursday morning our world came crashing down around us, but one year later on a rainy Monday after noon the rainbow came. At 3:23pm on Monday, May 9th, 2016 David Robert Alexander Jr. was born. He was 8 pounds 15 ounces, and 20 & 3/4 inches long. We couldn’t be happier and he is such a blessing to us.  Davey is already 2 months old. He now weighs 13 lbs.15 oz and is 24.5 inches long.




David and I are doing good and have both started some new opportunities. Last month David started his new job at FC Stone, and I started Manager in Training classes for Scooter’s Coffeehouse. David’s new job is going well and he is enjoying the work. I just completed the first section of MIT. It’s broken up into 3 sections and you have to pass each one, and be invited to the next. Today I got the results back from the Section 1 exam and was told I made it into Section 2. I love the classes and am so excited to see where these opportunities lead.

David, Megan and Lil Davey

Gabriella Grace Alexander, our little Angel in Heaven…

Gabriella Grace Alexander born on Thursday, April 30th, 2015 at 6:03 am 7 lbs, 11 oz, and 22 in long. She is no longer with us but that doesn’t take away how much she was loved and the fact, somehow, for some reason, God has a plan for her short, sweet life. We chose her name to mean something special. Our little angel who will always be remembered. Gabriella means “God Gives Strength”. That is what we are clinging to. Gabriella is the female version of Gabriel. Gabriel is seen as a messenger for God, and our prayer is Gabriella’s short life can be a message for/from God.
In the midst of all this God is still there. God is our rock. Psalms 18:2. It doesn’t take away the hurt, the tears and the confusion. We wanted to thank everyone for their prayers, support, and generosity in the midst of all this. We have had so many, “If you need anything” from so many people. To be honest we don’t know what we need right except for prayers, love, and understanding. Some days will be easier than others. Some days we have been able to talk, and some days not at all. We also ask for patience from our friends and family as we learn how to deal with everything. There will be days we want to be around people, and days we want to be left alone. It is going to process and one I honestly don’t know how long it will last, but knowing we have such amazing people in our lives helps and comforts. Also, I know people would love to see pictures of Gabriella, but we’re not quite ready to share those on social media yet. Thank you all for your love and support.

God Bless,
Megan, David, and Gabriella Alexander

Baby Time! ^_^

Hello!! I am sure as most of you know by now that David and I are expecting our first child in April! Hard to believe I am 30 weeks today! Wow! Seems like just yesterday I was picking out the card to tell David at dinner! We are getting the nursery together and making the final preparations. For those of you who have been asking, here are the links to our 3 registries. We are registered at Target, Buy Buy Baby and Babies R’ Us. David and I are not finding out what we are having, but we do have names picked out for either gender. We are doing the nursery in green, white, and tan. The theme is Woodlands. So most of the decorations on our registries are owl/forest themed. We found quite a few items in that theme that are gender neutral that we liked. When we were at Babies R’ Us we found owl themed things in every color. That is the main reason why we went with the owls in the end, because it is something we can add to. The light green we picked out would match any pink/purple items we may eventually add or blue items we may add. Thanks so much for all your love and support!

Target Registry
Click Here

Buy Buy Baby Registry 
Click Here

Babies R’ Us Registry
Click Here

God Bless,

David, Megan, and Baby

Merry Christmas From The Family with Updates. ;)

So, this has not been updated in a while. As you all know I graduated in May with a Bachelors in Education. I worked at Scooter’s Coffee House over the summer, and continue to work there a few days a week. In August I started a position for Prime Time. Prime Time is a before and after school program that is part of the Blue Springs School District. Parents are able to drop their child off at the school the student attends before school hours, as early as 6:30 am, and we watch the students until 6pm that evening. I love the people I work with and the students I get to see everyday. It is very nice having the middle of the day off to do things I need to. I still plan on getting a teaching position eventually, it just was not meant to be this year. You know what? I am okay with that, because other things were meant to be, and this job has allowed me to enjoy this time and not be stressed or feel over whelmed.
You see, things around the house since late August have been different. Mostly for me. On Thursday, August 25th, 2014 I found something out. I was doing a 30 day clean eating challenge with some friends, and I was expecting after 2 weeks to feel better, have more energy, and not feel so bogged down by what I ate. It was not going over well for me. I was struggling in every way. I was hungry all the time, sleepy, and felt out of sorts. I texted my friend Rachel, who I was doing the challenge with, and told her my problems. After a few days she started asking me if I had considered some possibilities. I told her no, and she told me to go find out, because she had a hunch her suspicions were correct. Well, lo and behold, she was right. We then decided she was going to invite me and David over for dinner that night, we would break the news to David, and she would record it. Rachel and her husband Mark were able to share in the news. You could say Rachel knew, before I knew. So here is a video we made to share our happy announcement. Enjoy and Merry Christmas!
Megan and Family.

Ireland Day Three

OK! So now on to Thursday.

I left off with telling you all about our trip to Galway. Well the next morning we woke up and went to the breakfast room. We had the traditional Irish breakfast which was a fried egg, 2 sausage links, 2 sausage patties, 2 pieces of bacon and a selection of breads and jams. It was absolutley delicious! Another couple came into the breakfast room shortly after we did. They sat at the table next to ours. A little bit longer they asked us where we were from. We told them Missouri in the US. They said, “No kidding! We are from St.Louis!” They were an older couple whose children were grown and they were enjoying traveling. They told us they had been on Ireland for 10 days and made a trip around the whole island spending a day here, a day there. They told us about the Kylemore Abbey. “A perfect place for people on their honeymoon to go.” They told us all about it and got us interested in making that one of our stops. We talked with them for nearly an hour during breakfast talking about sites we’ve seen around Ireland, and they told us different places they had traveled. They also told us some highlights for Dublin that helped us decide to take a day to go to Dublin, which we were not originally planning. After breakfast we sat and discussed what to do for the day. We found out that a show we had seen flyers for Trad On The Prom had a show that night as well. Their Shows were Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday nights. We asked our hostess what she recommended and told her we were also thinking about visiting Kylemore Abbey. She told us Kylemore was over and hour away and if we wanted to do Trad on the Prom that night we needed 1) get tickets right awya and 2) probably take it easy on the travel cause being at Kylemore would ware us out and we wanted to be sure and enjoy the show. First we went to this place in Spiddal called Standum. We saw flyers for it and it was supposed to be a great shopping area. We got there and it was actually a very small store with a wide variety of things. David and I did not see anything we liked so we decided to head down to Eyre Square we had dinner the night before. We only saw a small part of it the night before. We did not realize how big the square really was. It was 15/20 blocks of shops and restaurants and along with a mall in the area. We parked in the ‘Car Park’ or parking garage for the mall and wandered the mall. While walking we came across this store called The Galway Hat shop. That is where I got the blue cap you saw in a view of the photo previews David has uploaded. We shopped for a hat for David, but none of the ones in his size, he really cared for. So we decided we would keep looking. Wandering around the streets was great. We got to see tons of street performers while walking around, had a great time seeing all the local flavors. There was several shops that said they were the “original makers of the Claddagh ring.” (We did stop by Faller’s later that day where I got a bracelet and necklace with it.) That day was a lot of fun trying to local coffee, and just meeting people from the Galway area. We also went over to the Galway Cathedral. It was beautiful church and we did get photos of it. That evening we stopped in the food court of the mall and had a light dinner before heading to Trad On The Prom. I was SUPER EXCITED!!!!





This is a good intro to the show. Also this is from a special show they did so some of the performers they show was not at our show. http://www.youtube.com/user/tradontheprom#p/u/0/MFosZsRJjJY



This is the Trad on the Prom You Tube and Site. We did not get any photos at Trad on the Prom except for a few of the stage and the sign before the show. The show does not allow any photography or recording. We were a little disappointed about that. I can only describe. The show was at the Salthill Hotel down by the coast on the other side of Galway from where we were staying. The resturant inside the hotel was called The Prom. It that helps at all. 🙂 The show was set up inside of a ballroom. The stage took up half the room. There was four sections to the audiance. A was to the right of the stage, B&C were infront of the stage, and D was to the left of the Stage. The seating was first come, first served,only your section was assigned. David and I got there early and were able to sit in the 3rd row of the section. We could of sat closer but since the rows curved with the stage, we liked the angle the 3rd was at better. Also there was 3 platforms misxed in the seating and on of the was directly behind our row. The other one was in the D section, and the third was in the back. The dancers, (actually one the 3 male dancers) used those platforms is several numbers. The performers in the show were TOP NOTCH! The music director for Michael Flately The Lord Of The Dance, Gerard Fahy was in the show. Also his 2 sisters, Eva, and Marion were in the show as well as Marion’s husband Chris. Marion was the lead violinist for the Riverdance show. They also had a male vocalist Sean Castello. He was very good. They said he had recently been voted male voacalist of Ireland. The other performers in the show included a piano player, and 8 dancers. 5 female dancers, and 3 male dancers. 4 of the female dancers did the riverdancing and the 5th did the other forms of folk dances. The three men were incredible. 2 of them were actually brothers. The Keaney brothers. They said in the show that the elder Keaney ( I think it was Cathal) recently won the “Grand Slam” for riverdancing compeitions. He won champion titles in Ireland, and for all of Europe, for all of Asia, and North America. We bought Marion’s and Ger’s CD. I could prattle on forever about the amazingness of this show, but it would not do it justice. So go watch the videos! Have fun! It is lunnch time and I have stuff to do this afternoon.

Take care and ‘Cheers’. (Irish way of saying goodbye.)

Ireland Day Two

Day Two…I left off with us leaving Dromoland Castle. Like I said it was an hours drives to Galway. One the way there I kept nodding off. I was still very much tired from flying in the day before and being on a different time schedule. David was doing a bit better than I was though. He adjusted pretty well and once we got going he was ready to go for the day. We were advised to take the scenic route to Galway. It was not the fastest, but it was more enjoyable. We drove by the Cliffs of Moher. Gorgeous cliffs that drop straight done into the ocean. I was not feeling up for walking around so David parked and walked around taking photos. We tried to plan a day to go back and get more pictures, but it was so rainy many of the days we never made it back out there to get pictures. No to mention we had so much other stuff thagt we waanted to do and see. It was a pleasant drive just being able to seee the country side and enjoying all the sights that Ireland has to offer. We stopped by a local resturant on the way to Galway. David ordered the Irish breakfast and I had the BLTE. (BLT with egg.) We ordered hot  to tea to drink and again it came out with the bowls of sugar and cream. It was a nice quite place called Collins. We got there right after a tour bus finished up and we were leaving just as another tour bus pulled in. We thought we had pretty good timing. 🙂 Hehe. It is hard to really describe what it looked like. A picture is worth a 1,000 words and it would take a photo to really do the place justice. The highest in temptature it gets in the mid summer is upper 60’s maybe up to 70’s. So by Sept. it was cool and brisk. It was nice to get out every so often and just walk around. We did stop by a pier and tke some photos. The pier looked over a large lake and you could see the mountains on the other side. It was gorgeous. We get to Galway late afternoon. We checked into our B&B Woodhaven. It looked like a cozy home. It was fun figuring out which one was ours. We realied it was very common to see 5/6 bed and breakfasts places right in a row. David and I commented on that the entire way to Galway. We would say things like… “B&B, b&b, B&b, b&b,… OH LOOK! Another b&b right in a row. 🙂 Ours was no differt. The woodhaven sign was more located towards one of the other B&Bs and David and I had to look carefully at the signs. We checked into our room. It was a bueatiful room. (We forgot to get photos.:( ) It had a full size bed and a twin bed in it. The sheet and comforter were white, with a soft purple blanket on the edge of the bed. The walls were half wood and had some wall paper on them. They were a deep plum color with black designs on it. There was also three white frames with purple flower decorations in them. There was a small closet and shelf set with a tea pot and tea set on it. The main light was a small chandalier style with silver dangling circle decorations and crytals from it. There was also two wall lamps that were white with purple decotations designs on them. A very cozy little room. The bath room was very smal. That wasn’t a big deal. But it was interesting. The Irish heat the water at the source and do not have water heaters. So there is this old style heater sitting off by the sink. While the shower is going it gets very hot so you have to be very careful not to touch it at all. The shower was quite interesting. It was a small 3X3 foot square area. The two walls facing out from the shower were sliding doors. So you had to make sure both doors were slide all the way shut or you got water all over the floor. ( I did that once. -_- ) There was two nobs in the shower. One was tempature and the other was the pressure/ On nob. You turned from off, to full pressure spray. There was also a strong that hung from the cieling. You pulled on it and the box clicked from On to Off. You also had to be very careful to watch the water level. It filled quickly and drained slowly. So after being in the shower just  few minutes it would be filled to the rim and flow over the edge of the shower floor onto the bathroom floor. (Did that one once too. -_- I learned things the hard way over there. It was very frustrating.)  That night we ate at McSwiggins resturant. It was on the 3rd floor of a building downtown. It had a great view of downtown Galway. We spent quite a bit through out the week at downtown Galway doing shopping. Galway was not as Americanized as Dublin so we enjoyed the local flavor much more. (More on Dublin later.) So there we go. That was our Wednesday. The note about the next day will monstrous because of the show we went to Thursday night! 🙂