Lots of New Additions

Hello All!

I was reminded that this blog existed and not been updated. I am currently teaching Special Education at Hillcrest STEAM Academy in Belton, MO. Even though I enjoyed with the students from the ED class that I wrote about last time, I knew it was not a position that I would want to stay long term. The ED class while incredibly rewarding, but was also incredibly exhausting. Last year’s school year ended with us working from home, and never returned to class. It was definitely an interesting first year of teaching. Before the shut down happened, I had applied for the Resource Teacher position at Hillcrest STEAM Academy. A Kindergarten through 6th grade elementary school in Belton, and just a few minutes from where I was currently teaching. I was given the position and have loved it. From August to January I taught only the virtual students. However, in January we had a high number of students coming back for in person learning, so they had to shift some numbers around. So now I teach virtual and some in person students. The school I work for is a great school, with an amazing staff. Being a resource teacher, I work with students in 30-60 minute blocks on IEP goals for reading, writing, math, and behavioral. I work with one group of students for 30 minutes, then another group of students for 30 minutes. Since I am constantly shifting between various grades ( I work with 2nd-6th), my day goes by very quickly. It keeps things fast paced and varying since I have to work with a wide set of ages and skill sets.

David is still working for FC Stone ( now called Stone X). He has been working from home for over a year now. It has been a good thing because he can watch little David if need be. David has been working on various projects around the property such as creating our garden, starting construction on the new wood shed, and building various wood working projects such as a new crib for Baby Darian Rhys!

Darian Rhys was born Tuesday, March 16th @ 12:50 pm. He was 9 pounds 4 ounces, and 21 inches long.

Little David loves being a big brother, and adores his little brother.

Here are some photos of the garden getting started.