So Much To Tell About Us…

Part 2- The Middle Ground


I never knew God would meet my challenge. Guess some things you learn the hard way. Let me rewind and explain. I was 16 years old when I was challenged to make a list of the kind of man we wanted. I had two list actually. I had the ‘Essentials’ and the ‘Wants’. My favorite Disney movie growing up was Aladdin. Princess Jasmine, a head strong girl, who knows what she wants, ends up with a street smart, cool guy, from the wrong end of town, with a heart of gold. (Oh an a Genie and magic flying carpet! Hehe!) My favorite teen movie was “Girls Just Want To Have Fun” from the 80’s. The good girl, military daughter, ends up being dance partners with a cool guy, from the other side of town with a motorcycle. (I’ve only been on a motorcycle once, and loved it!) My favorite Christian-romance novel is called Heart and Soul. Sweet, good girl Michelle, falls in love with the mysterious guy on a bike, who works for her family’s farm. He turns out to be an undercover FBI agent, investigating the fake money being printed by her uncle. He was someone who could be her best friend. That’s what I wanted. The cool guy on the bike, with a heart of gold, who was my best friend. I wasn’t holding out for a guy on a bike, so I wrote down the next best thing. A big truck… My list looking something like this. I wrote it out as things popped into my head…




A gentleman



A sense of humor

my best friend



treats me with respect



What I Want:

Blond hair

blue eyes

taller than me

truck (red, I had to pick a color)



I never really thought I’d get what I wanted. I told God, “Find me this man.” I had various crushes along the way, but none of them worked out. When praying for the one meant for me, I told God if someone wasn’t meant to be, to not even let them in my life. I wanted to feel disappointed of a guy I liked going no where, then the heart ache of a failed relationship. I can honestly say, I never dated any one but David Alexander. I went to formal events with different guy friends, but I never dated them.

I read a book suggested by my sunday school teacher called, “When God Writes Your Love Story.” It was a beautiful story of how God directed two people together. I wanted that kind of story. Everyone does.

I was reading a Christian-teen girl magazine around the same time and one of the stories of the magazine stuck with me a long time. It’s a story of a girl who walks into a room, with an older man sitting at a desk writing a story. He had clean, crisp white paper, and wrote the story in the most beautiful handwriting the girl ever saw. She stood next to him reading the story as it was being written. It was a love story, but the princess and the prince were taking too long to meet and be together for the girl’s taste. She grew impatient. She took the pen from the old man and started writing the story herself. She wrote in guy after guy and none turned out the way she wanted, so she would scratch them out best she could. She wrote so frantically, she spilled ink all over the beautiful paper making a horrid mess of the masterpiece. She started to cry in frustration, and finally looked back at the old man, who had been standing there quietly the whole time. She handed him the pen and the paper. She asked him if he could fix it, and he said he could, but the paper would still have faint traces of the stains. The paper would never be white and pure again. He cried over what had happened and his tears cleaned the paper. However, if the girl looked hard she could see where the old stains were. The old man finished the story with a happy ending. The devotion to the story was, God can forgive us and makes anew, but we can never fully forget our past. The girl had to live with what she did. The paper was wiped clean, but there was always the reminder of what she had done. It encouraged the reader to remember that and be patient, and not rush God’s timing. I’m glad I never dated any one but David, cause there is no memories of exes and so on. I wish everyone could say that of their relationship lives, but I know that’s not the way it is. I know some people believe you gotta be out and experience new things before settling down, that’s not me. I never wanted dozens of guys.

When David and I started dating, we always had so much fun together. (Still do.) It was just an extension of our friendship. We found walking trails around Springfield. Every weekend was pretty similar. David would get in Friday night and we would hang out at one of the coffee shops till I had to head back to the dorms. Saturday morning David picked me up first thing in the morning around 7/8am before most of my friends were up for the day. We went to this one walking trail and walk 2-3 miles, before heading downtown to get coffee. (Usually from the Mudhouse.) We would sit and chill in there talking, would walk around down town, and spend the rest of the day running around town. Sometimes we went to Branson to visit his grandparents or my friends who lived there. Sunday was church, lunch and then he would leave. Some weeks he was able to stay till after evening church, but not always. A lot of the times we got take-out from somewhere and parked at a park and sat in the truck and talked, or watched movies on his laptop. We would go to Wal-mart get a rotisserie chicken, a loaf of french bread, couple bottles of pop, and a pint of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. We made chicken sandwiches, and shared desert. Some nights we still do that. 🙂 Our favorite flavors are Karmel-Sutra, Cookie Dough, Late Night Snack, and Heath. Every once in awhile we grab a random flavor to try.

My friends at BBC knew when David was in town, I disappeared. We tried to include them and would take them with us whenever we could. David made chocolate chip cookies for my friends as a bribe to them for stealing me away. They became pretty well known around the dorm. I would walk through with a plastic tub of cookies, and people would look at me, “Are those your boyfriend’s cookies?” “Yes.” “Can I have one!?” “Yup!” haha. Boyfriend’s of the girls on my floor tended to be given a hard time, but somehow David never got that. Partly cause they didn’t know him as well, partly because he baked cookies for them.

One thing that sticks in my head was after we got engaged people asked if we had kissed yet. I told them yes, and they were asked me, “When?” I had to laugh, “Awhile ago.” They told me, “Way to kiss and tell, Megan!” haha. I honestly didn’t think I would be as ready to give him a kiss as I was. I really think it was because we were so comfortable with each other. Now I’ve gone there, I need to tell the story of our first kiss. It was actually shortly after we started dating. Not many people know this story. We were walking along our normal trail, and we stopped to catch our breath. It was cold, and wind was blowing pretty hard. David put his arm around me trying to keep me warm, and I looked up at him, and had this thought. “Wonder what it would be like to kiss him?” Next thing I know I was kissing him. As soon as I pulled back the first thing out of my mouth… “Dang it.” David looked at me very confused. I told him how I didn’t think I would kiss him so soon and had told myself I wasn’t going to kiss him until a certain point of our relationship. I honestly didn’t scold myself too hard for breaking that. I just knew we were going to last. Some times we rough and we had our moments when I did start to question, but deep down inside I just knew. It was meant to be and I couldn’t dispute that. I have more to write about our 2 years of dating before getting married, but I think this post is long enough. Thanks for reading! God Bless!


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